Characterising the Landscape: Aims and Objectives
Project aims:
- to develop a platform of information about archaeological and natural deposits in the areas under threat
- to model and characterise the importance of the archaeological resource.
- to develop risk/threat assessments, particularly in relation to future aggregate extraction.
- to develop resources to support the development of proposals for the sustainable management of this internationally important landscape.
- to develop and apply strategies and methodologies for secure integration of sub-surface modelling data into the Sites and Monuments Record, The National Monuments Record, regional mineral and development plans.
Project Objectives:
- to characterise and predictively/model the archaeological landscapes (for those areas sealed under the blown-sands, this will also require the development of approaches to that characterisation).
- to map through remote sensing, using a combination of gradiometer survey, air-photo and multi-spectral image plotting, the identifiable archaeological components in the landscape.
- to map through the use of combined surface and subsurface models the blown sand coverage and identifiable depth of any sealed archaeological stratigraphy. The combined surface and subsurface models provide the basis for predictive and interpretive modelling of the sealed landscape and its classification. In some areas, particularly along the northern boundary of the area where the blown sand meets the edge of the wetlands subtleties in the surface may allow us to target areas where environmental evidence may be preserved, augering to identify wet or damp deposits
- to fully integrate the sub-surface, surface and interpretive models with the remote sensing and other data within the project Geographic Data Management System.
- to document the subsurface land classification and derived predictive models reflecting both threat and significance.
- to document the methodologies applied as these have a bearing on other potential projects elsewhere.
- to engage in discussion and information exchange with other English Heritage ALSF projects addressing issues of subsurface modelling and landscape characterisation, assessment and management.